Justin Bartha
Paramount Pictures
Pub. Date
Tripp is a thirty something slacker, but that doesn't mean that he is ready to give up the many benefits of living at home with his mom and dad. His desperate parents have had enough though, and after years of gentle nudging they soon realize that it is going to take a concerted effort to get Tripp out so they can enjoy their twilight years in peace. Realizing that their only hope for riding themselves of their reluctant-to-leave son, Al and Sue hope...
Walt Disney Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
Since his childhood, Benjamin Franklin Gates has known that he is a descendant of a long line of people whose job it has been to guard a treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers. They hid clues to its whereabouts in the country's currency and on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Now, Ben has learned of a plot to steal the Declaration, and has only one option: he has to steal it himself. Even if he pulls off this monumental task, keeping...
Walt Disney Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
When a missing page from the diary of John Wilkes Booth surfaces, Ben Gates' great-great grandfather is suddenly implicated as a key conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The page is one of 18 pages missing from Booth's diary. When doing more research, the conspiracy takes Ben, Abigail, and Riley from Buckingham Palace to the White House - both places they break into - and even stealing a page from a secret book. But in order to see...