Mace Neufeld
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A global action thriller set in the present day. This original story follows a young Jack as he uncovers a financial terrorist plot. When Ryan believes he's uncovered a Russian plot to collapse the United States economy, he goes from being an analyst to becoming a spy and must fight to save his own life and those of countless others, while also trying to protect the thing that's more important to him than anything, his relationship with his fiancé...
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
Vigilante Robert McCall is continuing his life of helping ordinary citizens find justice in everyday situations before a close friend of his is murdered by a mysterious group of criminals for seemingly no reason. The plot shifts as he then makes it his goal to find out what happened to his friend and deliver justice on her behalf, sending him on a wild goose chase to figure out who these people are, why they would harm his friend, and if there is...