Introduction: we can't set good boundaries without love
Chapter 1: You are not crazy (you can love them, but you can't change them)
Chapter 2: Naming the tension that we've all been wrestling with
Chapter 3: It's not about the problems, it's about what the problems represent
Chapter 4: God takes boundary violations very seriously and so should we
Chapter 5: You are already doing this really well
Chapter 6: They may never see your boundaries as a good thing
Chapter 7: Just because they say it doesn't mean you have to own it
Chapter 8: Trying to make someone else happy shouldn't be your definition of healthy
Chapter 9: What am I so afraid of?
Chapter 10: Can a goodbye ever really be good?
Chapter 11: I'm not walking away, I'm accepting reality
Conclusion: a Bible, a ring, and a God who never leaves us
Wisdom to turn to when our boundaries are called into question
Getting the help you need
Some important notes to consider on abuse.